Cyber Stalking
Although there is no any accepted definition of the term cyber stalking, the word used in the report refers to the use of Internet like an e-mail, or any other electronic communication devices to stalk any other person. The word stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior of an individual person repeatedly, like a person is appearing in a person’s home or place of business, making phone calls of harassing , leaving messages in written or any objects. How do they Operate Nature and Extent of Cyber stalking Prevention Tips What To Do If You Are Being Stalked ? Some people conduct cyber stalking involving annoying behavior might fall short of illegal stalking; such behavior might be a prelude for stalking and violence and should be treated seriously. There are both kind of Stalkers they are Online & Offline both have desires to control the life of victim’s life. In a majority numbers of stalkers are those who are rejected by their lo...