Cyber security: India ranked 23rd on a list of 165 nations
India is ranked a high 23rd out of 165 nations in a global index with a score of 0.683, that measures the commitment of nations across the world to cyber security. The second Global Cyber Security Index (GCI), released by the UN telecommunications agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU), said only about half of all countries have a cyber security strategy or are in the process of developing one and urged more countries to consider national policies to protect against cybercrime. India has been listed in the "maturing" category, which refers to 77 countries that have developed complex commitments to cyber security and has been engaged in cyber security programmes and initiatives for the last so many years. This time the index has been topped by Singapore with a 0.925 score. According to report about 38 percent of countries have a written or published cyber security strategy and an additional 12 percent of governments are in the process of d...